[Healeys] Head bolt torque

Harold Manifold manifold at telus.net
Thu Apr 20 17:29:05 MDT 2023


900 in-lbs = 75 ft-lbs. The three steps are a good idea. ARP assembly
lubricant liberally on the nuts and washers will help to get a uniform


On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 3:27 PM Fred Wescoe via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Listers,
> I am assembling my rebuilt 66 BJ8 cylinder head.
> What torque reading should I take the nuts to?  The manual says 900 inch
> pounds which is 56.25 foot pounds.  That doesn't seem right.  I have been
> told 70 - 75  foot pounds.  I have also been told 85 foot pounds.
> Everyone says to reach final torque in 3 steps, increasing by 15 pounds
> each step.
> What is correct?
> I have also been told to seal each head bolt into the block.  If so, what
> sealant should I use?
> Fred
> 66BJ8
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