[Healeys] Spin On Filter

Kees Oudesluijs coudesluijs at chello.nl
Fri Apr 14 03:39:45 MDT 2023

The external size of an oil filter is of little importance. It is the 
surface of the filtration medium that counts, and of course the size of 
the particles that can pass.

Modern engines are made to much tighter tolerances and better materials, 
hence they wear very little, thus little debris and contamination. 
Service intervals can easily be as much as 10.000mls or way more. Engine 
life for normal everyday cars is usually beyond 200.000mls and over 
500.000mls is not a rarity. Often the mechanicals last longer than the 

It is always difficult to decide when to change the oil filter. These 
days I usually change the oil every two years with an annual mileage 
these days of about 3000mls and change the oil filter every three oil 
changes. When changing oil I find it remarkable that the oil is still 
very clean rather than black. I now use K&N filters and 10W50  or20W50 
oil for motorbikes as these have more additives than automotive oil due 
to various regulations: Bardahl, MPM, Penrite, Castrol Power RS etc.

Kees Oudesluijs

Op 14-4-2023 om 00:19 schreef llennep--- via Healeys:
> Curious Q.  I have wondered the same thing.  However, if you look at 
> filters for modern cars size dos not seem to matter.  Many engines 
> today call for a 3 in long filter not 4 to 5 inch.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael MacLean <springer.mike51 at gmail.com>
> To: Ahealey help <healeys at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Thu, Apr 13, 2023 10:59 am
> Subject: [Healeys] Spin On Filter
> Someone please explain to me why the filter required for my 1.8 ltr 
> MGB engine (51515) is so much larger than the filter called for the 
> spin on conversion for my BN2. (51516)  Just to add to the confusion, 
> a cross-reference chart for either filter calls out the other filter 
> as an alternative.  Does filter volume make any difference from either 
> car?
> Mike MacLean
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