[Healeys] Floor Mats for BT7

Bob Haskell rchaskell at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 7 04:16:48 MDT 2023

Yes, the side shift / center shift gearboxes require different 
profiles.  The rubber Ammco mats have the two profiles molded in and you 
cut the excess rubber off to fit your car.

Bob Haskell
Austin-Healey 3000 roadster registrar

On 4/6/23 23:51, m.g.sharp--- via Healeys wrote:
> Hi all,  I am thinking of buying some floor mats for my side-shifter 
> BT7 to save the wear and tear on the original Karvel carpet I have.  
>  Several suppliers sell a pair of mats  that are described as 
> “embroidered” with the Healey wings and they are listed as fitting all 
> 3000s from ’59 to ’67.  I thought the side-shift and centre shift 
> gearbox tunnels were different and had a different profile to the 
> carpets, so I don’t see how these mats will fit all 3000s.  Anyone 
> have any experience with them in side-shifter?  The ones Moss sell 
> seem a little different and they say they fit only ’62 to ’67 cars, 
> which would be the centre shift cars.  More generally, anyone 
> recommend some inexpensive _fitted_ mats to go over the carpet?  Many 
> thanks.
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