[Healeys] Mystery Tonneau Cover

Rohan Marr rohanmarr at icloud.com
Tue Nov 1 18:04:27 MDT 2022

Looks exactly like the one on my BN4 (although my steering wheel is on the right side (wink)

> On Oct 31, 2022, at 5:47 PM, Jean Caron <vintage_roadster_restoration at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Definitely not for a BN1/BN2.
> Jean
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows
> From: Harold Manifold <mailto:manifold at telus.net>
> Sent: October 31, 2022 7:15 PM
> To: Healey List <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [Healeys] Mystery Tonneau Cover
> I need help identifying the mystery tonneau that came with my Mk1 BT7. It looks like it should fit a BT7 but it doesn't. It is not quite wide enough and where there should be a Tenax fastener there is a Lift-The-Dot fastener. Aslo where the tonneau would attach to the dash there are two Lift-The-Dots instead of one Tenax.
> Could this be for a BN1 or BN2? What other cars could it be for?
> Thanks... Harold
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