[Healeys] Hammertone green

Jean Caron vintage_roadster_restoration at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 26 09:03:05 MDT 2022

I too found that the Rustoleum Hammertone Verde Green is pretty close to the colour I have seen on the air cleaners. Having said that, I have been unable t locate a business having them in stock. It is not available in Canada and while Menard’s in the US claim to carry it, none of them have it in stock at the moment. I’d like to purchase a can and spray it on a paint card to compare to an original, although after sixty plus years under a hot bonnet, the paint has likely faded, changed or otherwise no longer exactly as the day it was painted.
I will also do a paint card with the silver hammertone  from Rustoleum and then when dry give it a very light coat of the engine green to see if the hammertone would show through, I am doubtful it will work but it’s worth a try.


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From: Alan Seigrist via Healeys<mailto:healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: March 25, 2022 11:39 PM
To: Curtis Arndt<mailto:cnaarndt at gmail.com>
Cc: healeys at autox.team.net<mailto:healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Hammertone green

that looks like a pretty close match to the Rustoleum Verde Green Hammertone paint.

On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 9:41 PM Curtis Arndt <cnaarndt at gmail.com<mailto:cnaarndt at gmail.com>> wrote:

The correct hammertone green (that matched engine color) for the air cleaners from off the shelf sources DOES NOT EXIST!

When Roger M. and I did our cars we took a green shade that was close and added pigment (white, black and yellow) to perfectly match the engine color.  Not easy, but doable and worth the effort.

"When you go from a 98 point car to a 100 point car, you double the cost of the restoration."



On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 7:40 PM Michael Salter via Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net<mailto:healeys at autox.team.net>> wrote:
I have been unsuccessful I my search for light green Hammertone or hammer finish paint for my BN2 airfilter housings.
Does anyone know where this may be available or even have a can or part can that I can purchase?

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