[Healeys] Strange happenings

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 20:58:08 MDT 2021

Tom -

A few things to try

1) remove the black and white wire from your coil that goes to the battery
switch and see if that fixes the problem.

2) if not pull wire off spark plug and turn over with ignition and see if
you get a spark to the screwdriver to the plug lead.  No spark will lead
you in the right direction...

although, 1) sounds to me as likely your problem

Other stuff might be (in order of checking):

3) rotor replacement
4) check coil to dizzy wire [are you using suppressed wires with the lucas
dizzy cap?  big no no],
5) replace condenser [if you are using one]
6) replace dizzy cap
7) Change to coil you know is working



On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 3:10 AM Tom Felts via Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net>

> Went for a drive in the BJ8 today. Running along a smooth as silk.  Got a
> few sputters, then a backfire that smooth.   Shortly after, same
> situation.  Then it was like someone turned off the key.  She died.  Waited
> a moment she started.  Smooth for a few seconds, then died.  I found the
> fuel pump was working and I had fuel to noth carbs. Checked both float
> bowls, full.  Checked grosse jets, not sticking.  No overflow fro manifold
> or carbs. Kept the start/shut off and would never continue running.  Called
> AAA, got towed home.  Any ideas??
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