[Healeys] Speedo cable routing.

simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com
Fri Nov 5 10:32:57 MDT 2021

The plot thickens. Seems like I’m not the only one..




From: grumpyinloomis <grumpyinloomis at ssctv.net> 
Sent: 05 November 2021 16:15
To: simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com
Subject: RE: [Healeys] Speedo cable routing.


I also have that hole,  early BJ8




Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone



-------- Original message --------

From: Simon Lachlan via Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net> > 

Date: 11/5/21 9:08 AM (GMT-08:00) 

To: 'Healeys' <healeys at autox.team.net <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net> > 

Subject: [Healeys] Speedo cable routing. 


Looking back through my files, I have contradictory info on this. So, here goes…..


My car is a RHD MkII BT7 with a centre shift box. It thus has the fibre glass tunnel cover which, I gather, continued to the bitter end in ’67.


You may recall that I sent in a pic of my tunnel cover a few weeks back and asked if it was an original or a latterly made repro. Thankfully, you said that it was original but it was pointed out that it had an extra hole. See attached. As I interpreted it, the “extra hole” is to the right and the correct way in is through the centrally located “correct routing for speedo cable”.


Assuming that is correct, I am led to wonder for what purpose some PO had drilled that extra hole……I wonder if the speedo cable’s routing was so far out of line that it needed a slight short cut to achieve its destination. My cable goes through a grommet to the left of the bottom left corner of the control box. Is that correct? Or should it take a more central route?




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