[Healeys] Not Healey, but Related British Car Stuff

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 04:07:42 MST 2021

You have vapeaueaauaour lock

On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 5:41 AM Michael MacLean <rrengineer.mike at att.net>

>       Not a Healey, but my 69 MGB GT is related in operation.  I went to
> In N Out for lunch today in my MG.  The line was very long so I had to inch
> forward and was stopped numerous times for a few minutes in between.  The
> fuel pump started pumping furiously like I was running out of gas while
> stopped halfway through the line.  The car was still running.  I got up to
> the first window to pay and the idle dropped to less than 500 rpm.  In a
> minute or so later the engine just quit.  There is over a half tank of gas
> in the car.  I tried starting it several times, but it would just fire and
> die.  After several attempts the car started again, all the while the fuel
> pump was going like mad.  After getting out of the line the fuel pump
> slowed down like normal and you did not hear it after what I assume was a
> full float bowl.  No issues going home the 4 or 5 miles.  Does that sound
> like my fuel pump is going out or the tank pickup is clogged?  It has been
> doing this "empty tank like" pumping fast for a while, but the car has run
> normal up to now.
> Mike MacLean
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