[Healeys] NOS 100/4 block?

John Harper ah100register at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 10:54:31 MDT 2020


The A90 Atlantic 2.6 litre 4 cylinder is basically the same. The only
difference is that the A-H has a 2 bolt distributor fitting whereas the A90
has one. This however is a bit of a simplification because there was a
small amount of overlap with early 100 having blocks with only one fixing
bolt and very late A90s having two. To make this more complicated if
it were BMC Gold seal replacement engines. These could be delivered with
either one bolt or two. It is possible to fit a A-H distributor to a single
bolt version but the mounting plate has to be from an A90.

All other 2.2 and 2.5 litre blocks have different bores so this can be
measured fairly easily. Another point is that later blocks had
different fittings such as the push rods.

Another possible different version was from a diesel block as fitted to
London Taxis etc.

On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 14:21, Ulla &Sven Ordell via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Friends !
> A mate has asked me for help. He has been offered what appears to be a NOS
> 100/4 block, nice, but two questions has come up.
> 1 How do I tell if it is a genuine 100/4 block or one from any other
> Austin/BMC with the same basic engine, and 2 any guidance on price tag?
> Any guidance thankfully accepted.
> Best regards
> Sven
> Ex BJ8 now “only” MMM M.G.s
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Best wishes

John Harper

AHC UK 100 Register Secretary
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