[Healeys] Donald M Healey Memorial Redwood Grove

Patrick & Caroline Quinn p_cquinn at tpg.com.au
Mon Aug 24 21:58:10 MDT 2020



While I am well aware of the differences between the DMH Memorial Grove and the fishing shelter I would like to publish something about both in the next Australian Austin-Healey.


Would anyone have high resolutions pics of both places that they can send me please? Before/after the fire pics would be perfect. A few words would help too.


I would suggest that not many Austin-Healey owners in Australia and New Zealand would be aware of it all. I think they should be.


Many thanks


Patrick Quinn

Blue Mountains, Australia


From: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Henry G Leach via Healeys
Sent: Tuesday, 25 August 2020 3:32 AM
To: 'i erbs'
Cc: 'Healeys'
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Donald M Healey Memorial Redwood Grove


I found the photos of the fishing shelter monument in Grants pass.  It IS cast in stone! Maybe a more fitting marker for the Big Basin monument? Bill Bolton was responsible for all this effort. This is located in a park in Josephine County and was nice to visit it years ago...most of the people in the park did not know who Geoff Healey was, but they used the shelter anyway.  Hank


From: "i erbs" 
To: gradea1 at charter.net
Cc: "richard mayor", "Healeys"
Sent: Monday August 24 2020 10:13:37AM
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Donald M Healey Memorial Redwood Grove

Thanks fot setting the record straight 


On Mon, Aug 24, 2020, 10:00 AM <gradea1 at charter.net> wrote:

OK lets get the record straight. First of all, it was Geoff Healey who liked fishing-not Donald. He came to the Oregon meet and stayed with the Boltons and went fishing.  The Oregon club dedicated a fishing shed in Grants Pass in honor of Geoff.


The DMH Memorial grove was the idea from Dick Santana (SMOG) as he found out that for $10K we could purchase a whole grove for someone. He raised the money and it got done.  Then we had a dedication in 1989-just after the meet in Rippling River, OR.  Geoff & Margo and John and Joy Healey attended the meet and the dedication. The sign was refurbished and rededicated in 2003.


At the same time, another group of Healey enthusiasts; some in AHCPC and some in AHCA and with the support of other regional clubs, started another drive to purchase a stained glass window in the church in Warwick in honor of Donald. That too was accomplished. (at least it was closer to his home)


As far as making sense of it all; folks wanted to honor these people in whatever way they could and although Donald never had anything to do with the Big Basin Park, it was a gesture of respect by Healey owners.


I too, thought it a bit off the mark, but never-the-less contributed to the grove fund as respect for Donald.  Its too bad that the sign was not cast in stone, and if redone, maybe it should, as that is the second monument that we have lost. 


You can find the original dedication story and photos in the club magazine for July/August 1989 issue. Regards, Hank, healeyhelper.com


From: "i erbs via Healeys" 
To: "richard mayor"
Cc: "Healeys"
Sent: Monday August 24 2020 9:12:12AM
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Donald M Healey Memorial Redwood Grove

He loved to go fishing there as I recall


On Mon, Aug 24, 2020, 8:59 AM richard mayor <boyracer466 at gmail.com> wrote:

I don't mean to be disrespectful but ...... why is there a memorial for Donald Healey in a Redwood Grove?  I remember when it was being strongly promoted by Oregon club member BillBolton and ultimately dedicated.  It didn't make sense to me then. I still don't get it.  Was there ever any personal connection between the Redwoods and Donald that I was not aware of?


On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 7:29 PM i erbs via Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

 image.png <http://index.php/inbox/attachment/filenameOriginal/image.png/filenamefs/INBOX41461d2b5ca33bd970f64a6301fa75ae2eb22> 

Ira Erbs


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On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 11:32 AM David Nock via Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

I am looking for some photos of the original DMH Grove sign. I have to put together my column for our newsletter. And figured this may be the topic. Then maybe we can put a fund together to replace it.


I have all the past Healey Highlights so if someone can tell me the year it was dedicated i can then start searching.



David Nock


On Aug 22, 2020, at 9:46 AM, Perry via Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:


With 17 years in the woods I suspect that the sign was due for a facelift again. Hopefully it and the trees made it though the conflagration but if not I’m sure the faithful well rise to the call just as the seed will sprout again. 



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From: Henry G Leach via Healeys <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net> 
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 12:24 PM
To: 'Bob Spidell' <mailto:bspidell at comcast.net> 
Cc: 'Healeys' <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net> 
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Donald M Healey Memorial Redwood Grove


Can't seem to get my email to send this out but this is the article from our last restoration-hopefully it will send. Hank


From: "Bob Spidell" 
To: gradea1 at charter.net
Cc: "Healeys"
Sent: Saturday August 22 2020 8:00:11AM
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Donald M Healey Memorial Redwood Grove

I was afraid of that. The sign can be replaced, we will never see the redwoods again--if they are gone--but some have seen fire before.

On 8/21/2020 10:57 PM, gradea1 at charter.net wrote:

Bob- Don't think the wood sign faired to well in the firestorm. Most of the plaques on the back were plastic-few metal.  Here is an article from the last rebuild...maybe someone could rebuild it again. I remember it well, and we had reunions there on Donald's birthday, July 3. 


Many other dedicated groves were also lost. Here is a note from Sempervirens about those:





 Sad news, Regards, Hank


From: "Bob Spidell" 
To: "Healeys"
Sent: Friday August 21 2020 8:09:42PM
Subject: [Healeys] Donald M Healey Memorial Redwood Grove

Compared to the losses suffered by some, this is trivial, but I hope it 

https://www.sfgate.com/california-wildfires/article/Big-Basin-wildfire-CZU-Complex-headquarters-park-15497175.php#photo-19847667<br< a=""> /> 
</br<>https://mapio.net/pic/p-49759130/<br< a=""> /> _______________________________________________</br<>



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