[Healeys] Nothing Goes Right

Michael MacLean rrengineer.mike at att.net
Wed Jun 26 10:38:54 MDT 2019

 That would be awesome!  Just not something you are going to see in the Sears tool department.Mike M

    On Wednesday, June 26, 2019, 6:29:56 AM PDT, Michael Salter <michaelsalter at gmail.com> wrote:  
 This is what you need. 1 end octagonal for BN2 and later the other hex for BN1.M
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019, 8:54 AM Charles Schott, <schottc at knology.net> wrote:

I bought that socket from Moss and used an impact gun to loosen the nuts. It nearly wallowed out the square hole. A very soft metal. Once I get the nuts back on, I will return it to Moss as defective.
Charlie Schott
From: "Michael MacLean" <rrengineer.mike at att.net>
To: "Healeys" <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 3:36:49 AM
Subject: [Healeys] Nothing Goes Right

    I ordered the 8 point 2 3/16" hub nut wrench from Moss so I can torque the hub nut down.  The 2 13/64ths tube wrench I have is too big and just slips off when I apply any pressure to the nut.  I'll never get it torqued down that way.  I called the Moss tech line to ask if the new flimsy looking tube hub nut wrench they now sell will let me torque the nut to 150 ft lbs.  Almost before I could finish asking him, he said, "that's what we designed it for!"  I am not convinced.  Go to the online Moss catalog and look at part number 384-907.  Tell me that looks like a tool you can put a lot of torque on a 1/4" thick nut.
     Now look at the picture I have included in this email.  I want to install my nice re-chromed emergency brake handle and new emergency brake cable.  If you look at the restored handle on the left you may notice something odd.  The ratchet plate that bolts to the tunnel is for a handbrake that is installed on the driver's side of the tunnel.  Only problem is, the BN2 emergency brake handle is on the passenger side.  I have a good parts brake handle, (the handle on the right in the picture) at least I thought I did.  The ratchet plate is corroded solid on the shaft.  I have been soaking it in PB Blaster for a couple of days.  I think it is going to need a blue wrench.  Of course I don't have one.     Every thing I do to this car to put it back together is a fight.  Nothing is easy, nothing goes right.  So, I am looking for a emergency brake handle ratchet plate like the one on the right in my picture.  I'm willing to pay.  
Mike MacLean

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