[Healeys] Austin Healey Parts Lists for the BN4 through

jnew at hazelden.ca jnew at hazelden.ca
Wed Jan 16 23:24:47 MST 2019


Unfortunately, no, I never started digitizing the Parts List for the  
BN1/2. I started with the BJ8s and worked backwards, and unfortunately  
the project stalled with the BN4/6 lists. The code that produced the  
later lists so well didn't work with the slightly different format of  
the earlier lists; I tried to modify my code but failed. I think I  
dreaded writing a new codebase from scratch, so ran out of steam. I  
did try to resurrect the project a couple of times, but never could  
find the time to complete it.


Quoting Michael MacLean <rrengineer.mike at att.net>:

> Is a list available for the 4 cylinder cars?Mike MacLean
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>   On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 9:01 PM,  
> jnew at hazelden.ca<jnew at hazelden.ca> wrote:   Hi All,
> I just wanted to say thanks for all the support and words of 
> encouragement I've received from everyone, on and off the list. The 
> Parts Lists seem to be popular, with hundreds of visitors and 
> thousands of pages served over the past two days.
> John P. New
> London, Ontario, Canada
> '67 BJ8
> Quoting jnew at hazelden.ca:
>> I was talking to Michael Salter yesterday and the subject came up of 
>> the LBC Digital Parts Lists that I created for the Austin-Healey 
>> more than a decade ago. Michael asked me me why I hadn't put those 
>> online; I said because of inertia (i.e. laziness), so not really a 
>> reason at all.
>> So in the spirit of community, I have put the Austin Healey Parts 
>> Lists online for all to freely use. You can see them by going to 
>> http://lbcdigital.com. These aren't just PDFs of the Parts Lists, 
>> these are transcribed, fully searchable databases that are presented 
>> in a similar format as the original publications. You can search for 
>> part numbers and keywords, and even print pages.
>> Over the years, I felt that the hundreds of hours of effort that I 
>> put in creating the Parts Lists should be rewarded and I shouldn't 
>> just give away all that work. But then I realized that the digitized 
>> Parts Lists really should belong to the Healey community. I 
>> understand now that helping to keep our Healeys on the road is the 
>> reward.
>> Enjoy!
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