WILLIAM B LAWRENCE ynotink at msn.com
Wed Jan 16 09:16:22 MST 2019

When I was about to put my 100 back on the road in 2002 I weighed the options and decided to install Panasport (Minilite style) wheels instead of going back to wires. I was not looking forward to dealing with the fragility of the 48 spoke wheels and the 60 spokes won't fit in the front (BN4 running gear). They cost a little more initially, but the have paid for themselves in performance and lack of preventive maintenance.

One thing to remember, any wider wheel/tire combination may negate the ability to carry a spare.

Bill Lawrence
BN1 #554
From: Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> on behalf of Jim Lyons <jlyons4 at rochester.rr.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 4:04 AM
To: healeys at autox.team.net
Subject: [Healeys] MINILITE WHEELS ?

Hello All,

I have a 1966 BJ8.

I’m thinking of getting a new set of the MINILITE STYLE KNOCKOFF  wheels and a set of
the MICHELIN XAS 165X15 for next driving season.

I was wondering if any list members have any experience with these solid (non wire) wheels and your opinion
on the quality and safety vs. the traditional wired set.

I was looking at the Minilite wheels on Moss @ $399.99 ea !


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