[Healeys] Harmonic balancer

Kees Oudesluijs coudesluijs at chello.nl
Thu Oct 25 03:10:47 MDT 2018

You have to take out torsional vibrations as much as possible to protect 
the gearbox and to a lesser extend the diff. To much torsional 
vibrations kill gear teeth. That is e.g. why for non competion use 
lightening the flywheel is not a good idea. The same with a harmonic 
balancer. It may also protect the crankshaft.

Kees Oudesluijs

Op 25-10-2018 om 10:32 schreef simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com:
> A friend has suggested that I install one in my 3000.
> What precisely does it do?
> The name implies that it takes out vibration……..where’s the benefit? 
> Less noise? Smoother revving which, in turn, achieves what….?
> These things aren’t cheap especially if one considers that I don’t 
> apparently actually NEED one….
> Any tips would be welcome.
> And which particular unit?
> Thanks,
> Simon
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