[Healeys] Engine number

BJ8Healeys sbyers at ec.rr.com
Sat Oct 20 19:37:25 MDT 2018

I posted this information previously but I'm not sure it ever showed up.
Sometimes my copy of my posts to the list don't appear in my inbox for
several days.


The "U" in the engine serial number refers to a gearshift that is on the
floor (in the center of the car), rather than on the steering column.  BMC
built several other types of cars with the column shift.  The "U" simply
provided a code for the non-column shift.  It did not mean "center shift
rather than side shift".


Steve Byers


BJ8 Registry

AHCA Delegate at Large

Havelock, NC  



-----Original Message-----
From: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Harold
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 9:18 PM
To: 'Bob Haskell'; simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com; 'Healeys'
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Engine number




The engine serial number below is definitely from either a BT7 or BN7 built

between July 59 and Nov 59. It would have two SU HD6 Carbs. The Mk2 had the

engine prefix "29E" and had three SU HS4 carbs and started production in Mar

61.  The side shift transmission continued until Nov 61 engine 29E/2246.


I have the same BMC parts manual with RU = Overdrive centre shift. That is

not correct. All of the "29D" and some of the "29E" series engines had a

side shift transmission.





-----Original Message-----

From: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Bob


Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 9:23 AM

To: simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com; Healeys

Subject: Re: [Healeys] Engine number




The tri-carb engines had the "29E" prefix.  The center shift gearbox was

introduced during tri-carb production.  So I would go with Clausager's

explanation.  Shame he doesn't state what he thought the 'U' meant.




Bob Haskell

AHCA 3000 MkI registrar



On 10/19/2018 06:21 AM, simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com wrote:

> It is 29D/RU/H4908


> 29 = 3,000cc (+/-!)


> D = MkI BT7 or BN7 (per Clausager)


> R= Overdrive fitted


> U = Centre shift (per BMC parts manual)


> The BMC manual is quite specific. See attached.


> Who is wrong? Did 29D engines continue into later tricarbs which is 

> when, as I understand it, centre shifts appeared?


> Or what?


> I am considering buying an engine and rebuilding it. There's a block 

> on eBay with that number on its plate. I think it's a MkI and that RU 

> stands for overdrive and that U does not stand for centre shift.


> Am I right?


> Thanks,


> Simon




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