[Healeys] Hawaii Lave Flow Impacts Healey Community

healeyguy at aol.com healeyguy at aol.com
Thu Jun 7 08:50:47 MDT 2018

Got word this morning that one of the family of Healey owners, Tony Clarke, that he was impacted by the inundation of lava from Kilauea volcano at Kapoho Bay. Tony's message to me was, "gone, all gone"....along with some aerial photos that shows the before and after. 
Tony and his wife had a lovely home along the rocky shore line. His property and home site is now a mile inland as the lava flow filled the entire bay. Tony is an avid British car guy with a nice collection. He was able to move the cars, parts and other valuables from their home prior to the desolation.  Tony is a professor at the University of Hawaii and maintains a home in Washington State.. 
Life certainly has its ups and downs......

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