[Healeys] Posts

BJ8 Healeys sbyers at ec.rr.com
Mon Aug 20 09:18:18 MDT 2018

Michael, I got the same message several weeks ago.  The only thing I did was to send an email to Mark to let him know that such messages mean little to me when they are full of computer geek language.  I just realize I got no response from him.  My e-mail address is the same as it has been for 15 years, so nothing has changed on my end.  The volume of traffic on the list has certainly dropped to almost nothing recently.  There seems to be more activity on Facebook, the British Car Forum, The Austin-Healey Experience, and other such sites.  I miss the many folks who were on this list until the other sites opened up.  More sites just dilute the overall Healey effort as far as my opinion goes....

Steve Byers
BJ8 Registry
AHCA Delegate at Large
Havelock, NC  USA
---- Michael Oritt <michael.oritt at gmail.com> wrote: 
> For a while I just assumed that the volume of posts had simply fallen off,
> that everyone's typical problems with overheating, oil leaks, etc. had
> temporarily resolved themselves and the quantity of messages I received
> would return to normal.
> But that was several months ago and the reduced volume of messages I was
> receiving remained nil, sometimes none at all, for weeks at a time.
> Then I began to receive a "probe" message from "Healey-Bounces" telling me
> the following:
> *"This is a probe message.  You can ignore this message.The Healeys mailing
> list has received a number of bounces from you,indicating that there may be
> a problem delivering messages tomichael.oritt at gmail.com
> <michael.oritt at gmail.com>. A bounce sample is attached below.
> Pleaseexamine this message to make sure there are no problems with
> youremail address.  You may want to check with your mail administrator
> formore help.If you are reading this, you don't need to do anything to
> remain anenabled member of the mailing list.  If this message had bounced,
> youwould not be reading it, and your membership would have been
> disabled.Normally when you are disabled, you receive occasional messages
> askingyou to re-enable your subscription."*
> So, in keeping withe the message's instructions I did nothing.  But despite
> the promise that all was forgiven I continued, and continue to continue, to
> receive no messages, or at most one or two a month.
> Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I must do to get back into autox's
> good graces?  Please post but send a direct email as well so that I will be
> sure to receive it.  I miss this resource.
> Best--Michael Oritt

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