[Healeys] MkII. MkIII

BJ8Healeys sbyers at ec.rr.com
Mon Mar 20 16:22:15 MDT 2017

Phase 1 BJ8s had single lights under the headlamps with small clear glass lenses like BJ7s.  The early Phase 2 cars had single lights under the headlamps with larger clear plastic lenses.   This was true up to body number 76137.  From body 76138 and up, they had dual lights under the headlamps with amber turn signals and clear parking lights.  That is according to the BMC parts manual for BJ7/BJ8, but quite a few cars have been found with pre-body number 76138 dual lights and post-body number 76138 with single light configurations.   Shrouds may have been changed from original, or maybe not; but it's hard to verify any BMC change that sticks hard and fast to the parts manual.  


Steve Byers


BJ8 Registry

AHCA Delegate at Large

Havelock, NC  



From: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of i erbs
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 3:43 PM
To: Ahealey help
Subject: [Healeys] MkII. MkIII


During a discussion today their was a question about the mkii 3000 and  phase two. Did only the phase 2 cars have front dual running lights

or when did the dual front plastic running light change happen on US spec cars

Ira Erbs
1959 100-6
MKI engine and disc brakes



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