[Healeys] BN4 reflector rubbers

Austin Healeys List austinhealeyslist at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 13:05:59 MST 2017

Thanks Josef,

Yesterday was a good day! I now have two original rubbers in near
perfect condition and two correct Lucas Reflex reflector discs as mine
were off a bicycle. The little paper note hidden in behind one of the
reflectors made my day.


On 1/7/17, josef-eckert at t-online.de <josef-eckert at t-online.de> wrote:
> Andy,
> You can get the complette reflector new from SC Parts UK:
> http://www.scparts.co.uk/sc_en/british-cars/austin-healey/austin-healey-bn1-to-bj8-1952-1968/electrics-ignition-system-heating-and-dashboard/lamps.html#84
> see 84, PartNo 206240
> Josef Eckert
> Konigswinter/Germany
> -----Original-Nachricht-----
> Betreff: [Healeys] BN4 reflector rubbers
> Datum: 2017-01-06T05:01:21+0100
> Von: "Austin Healeys List" <austinhealeyslist at gmail.com>
> An: "Healeys at autox.team.net" <Healeys at autox.team.net>
> My BN4 reflector rubbers are very tired and likely to fall out, but it
> seems nobody has reproduced them yet. Apart from fitting the later
> style flat ones, what options are there for keeping the 'bullets'? If
> nothing is available then I'll try casting them in polyurethane
> rubber.
> In anticipation of nothing available, I made a quick model of the
> rubber but it is so perished much of the detail is lost. Would anyone
> have an original rubber in reasonable condition to get some dimensions
> off or a pic of please?
> Andy.
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