[Healeys] SU HD6 float chamber

Steve B. Gerow steveg at abrazosdata.com
Tue Feb 7 11:42:19 MST 2017

I can say from experience, the float bowl from the HD8 is the same as HD6, as I have horizontal HD8s on my DMD manifold. I bought mine from Joe Curto here in the US.

The bowls from a Jag will work, as they're all horizontal.

Steve Gerow
Altadena, CA
Maker of Most Complete Big Healey Rear Disc Kit

Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 14:55:48 +1000
From: "Peter & Veronica" <greylinn at ozemail.com.au>
To: <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] SU HD6 float chamber
Message-ID: <F3417C387306468B91C4A6E47A413102 at Notebook>
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G'day all

I'm looking for a horizontal float chamber for an SU HD6 carb. They are mostly angled for semi-downdraft applications, but I need one for a horizontal application on a Shorrock supercharger.


Peter Linn
Brisbane Oz

BN1 Holden V6
MG TC special (Shorrock blown)

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