[Healeys] 100-6 part 2

Len and/or Marge Hartnett thehartnetts at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 31 22:21:17 MDT 2016

Well, there you go.  Like I said, other tasks and interests not related to the Healey will consume some of your time as well.  I never assumed anything although I may have worded it improperly.  I was merely speaking from experience and the history provided by others like me.


Back in June, 2009, David Nock of British Car Specialist in Stockton, wrote an article for their web site.  In part it states:


Restoration Facts :

• Many restorations that are started at home are never finished or are finished by 

someone other than the person who started the project. 

• A total restoration will take an experienced mechanic approximately 750 hours 

to do at home not including paint and body work. 

• That's approximately 15 hours per week for one year, not including work done 

at the body shop. 

• The parts only, for a major restoration will cost approximately $25,000.00 (US 

as of 1999). 

• Body work varies between cars depending on the condition when you start and 

how good of a job you want when finished. 

• Many restorations done at home can take several years to complete. 

• A major restoration at home will take up the space of 2-3 cars. 


Do you have a projected date for the completion of your Healey?  I (we?) would like to hear it.  Then, at the end of that time, we can either congratulate you and praise you for getting another Healey back on the road or I will be able to say, “I told you so”.  (Please note:  that was written with tongue deeply planted in cheek   ;-)   )


Good luck and best wishes.  Please keep us posted on your progress.  If you do, I will be watching, regretting that I was not able to complete my project.  I will be cheering you on with yours.

(The Other) Len
Fairfield, CA, USA
1967 AH 3000 MkIII, HBJ8L39031




  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: rrengineer.mike 
  To: Len and/or Marge Hartnett ; AH Mail List 
  Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [Healeys] 100-6 part 2

       You are under the asumption that I have a significant other at home. I do not. I have spent years building my retirement toy collection of RC models, motorcycle, guns and my Healey project. Those are my reason to live after leaving the work force.  Unlike other worker bees, I will not be lost looking for something to do. Waiting for the mailman every day will not be the high point of my day. I WILL be waiting for the UPS truck for parts for the BN2.  Projects around the house will take a back seat to finishing the car.
       Did I mention I am an avid upland bird hunter too!  I cannot wait for retirement.
  Mike MacLean

  Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

  -------- Original message --------
  From: Len and/or Marge Hartnett <thehartnetts at earthlink.net> 
  Date: 3/31/2016 1:49 PM (GMT-08:00) 
  To: AH Mail List <healeys at autox.team.net> 
  Subject: Re: [Healeys] 100-6 part 2 

  For those of you nearing retirement who expect to spend more time on their Healey projects, don’t put any money on that bet. 

  After I retired, with a project in progress, the family calendar filled up rapidly with “honey-do” needs (Honey, will you….), “administrative” (paper work that seemed come out of nowhere - maybe the significant other was doing it before?), and numerous things that you did not have time for while you were working.

  Unless you treat your project as a ‘job’, 8-5?, away from the house, I predict that it will sit there just as it has for the past few years. Until, that is, it becomes a nuisance: she can’t get the lawn mower past it, it’s in the way, “are you ever going to get that thing done”, “you need more money for WHAT?”, you are getting older and losing interest or physical ability, etc., etc. You may just decide to pass it on to someone else to complete and concentrate on the one you are driving. I did.  :-(

  (The Other) Len
  Fairfield, CA, USA
  1967 AH 3000 MkIII, HBJ8L39031


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Michael MacLean 
    To: WILLIAM B LAWRENCE ; i erbs 
    Cc: healeys at autox.team.net 
    Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 11:08 PM
    Subject: Re: [Healeys] 100-6 part 2

    I retire at the end of November.  The BN2 will get lots of attention then.
    Mike MacLean
    Not quite talking to myself yet.

    On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 7:55 PM, WILLIAM B LAWRENCE <YNOTINK at msn.com> wrote:

      I'm about 90 days from retirement and just about anything that can go wrong at work is. Driving home a few days ago my wife asked me if I realized I was talking to myself. I just don't need it anymore.


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