[Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator.

josef-eckert at t-online.de josef-eckert at t-online.de
Sat Dec 24 12:37:22 MST 2016

We can´t change it. Germany is located in the middle of Europe surrounded 
by about 10 countries and all traffic goes through Germany. But we learned 
to live with it. Its similar in France, Southern UK, part of the 
Netherlands, Northern Italy and other areas. Its pros an cons. Its close 
for me to go to England (300 miles, closer than to go to Munich or Berlin 
in Germany). Aside of the industrial zones we have plenty of wood and rural 
areas with roads my Healey and I like so much. Some of them are just round 
the corner were I live.
Mrs. Merkel is right, she is a woman and thinks in a non aggressive way. 
That doesn´t mean I will vote for her next time, as I do not like others in 
her party and their opinions. But Mrs. Merkel also has much less power than 
your Mr. Trump when he is elected. And Mrs. Merkel is countable.
Betreff: Re: [Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator.
Datum: 2016-12-24T20:18:04+0100
An: "Oudesluys" <coudesluijs at chello.nl>, "Healeys, Forum" 
<Healeys at autox.team.net>, "josef-eckert at t-online.de" 
<josef-eckert at t-online.de>
I read this with interest and in line with your comment about not 
understanding Americans I need to comment that I would find the conditions 
you describe to be unlivable. Even a lot of Americans would not understand 
that, but living and growing up as I have I consider all "high density" 
areas with some level of distress. Not only does my Healey overheat in 
stalled traffic, but I become irritable and will not tolerate it if I can 
avoid it. In the early days of the american western expansion there were 
some who developed the habit of moving whenever they could see the smoke 
from their nearest neighbor's cabin. There is not that much room left, but 
I still can't stand to be too long where I can't see outskirts of town. My 
late sister-in-law was a German girl from Westphalen on Herne. After she 
had been in this country for over 30 years living in South Dakota, Wyoming, 
Colorado, Utah and Montana she took a trip home to visit her family. On her 
return she reported constantly feeling claustrophobic during her visit and 
vowed she would never go back. From these experiences perhaps you can 
develop a little more understanding of (some) Americans. Oh, by the way, I 
am not nearly as concerned about our new president elect as I have been 
about the gross negligence of the (thankfully) outgoing administration, and 
closer to home I would be looking quite skeptically at Ms. Merckle if I 
were you.
From: Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> on behalf of 
josef-eckert at t-online.de <josef-eckert at t-online.de>
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2016 2:41:36 PM
To: Oudesluys; Healeys, Forum
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator.
Hi Kees,
You know in Europe we live in a high density area, nearly all over, 
especially you in the Randstad area and here we in the Cologne are. To the 
north we have the Ruhrgebiet to the south the Frankfurt area, and, and, 
and. No joy to drive anymore. I never ever want to drive into a bigger town 
or city with a classic car. Where shall I park the car? I avoid in any way 
to drive on the motorways with a classic car. You are overrolled by the 
trucks. For long distances I load it on my trailer and bring it to the 
place where I can enjoy driving. Much easier than doing these legs in a 
classic. For driving in beautiful rural areas the car has all iit needs and 
I see no reason to change anything. Its a winning team as it is and it 
works, believe me. Friends with all these modifications on their cars have 
more trouble with their cars than I have.
Josef Eckert
Betreff: Re: Mount a coil on an alternator.
Datum: 2016-12-24T15:26:26+0100
Von: "Oudesluys" <coudesluijs at chello.nl>
An: "josef-eckert at t-online.de" <josef-eckert at t-online.de>, "Healeys, Forum" 
<Healeys at autox.team.net>

Hi Josef,

Well...., increase the diameter of the wires from/ to the alternator and 
the H4 bulbs if fitted. The old head light bulbs are to dim for modern 
traffic conditions and you will also need an electric cooling fan to keep 
you out of trouble.
In my view it is advisable and  permissible to make small adaptions to an 
old vehicle if you want to use and enjoy it in modern traffic. You cannot 
travel the same way any more as in the olde days.

Kees Oudesluijs

Op 24-12-2016 om 15:00 schreef josef-eckert at t-online.de
<mailto:josef-eckert at t-online.de> :

    There is never a need for additional power, except your regulator is
    not well tuned. Better to set the regulator right. The wiring in an
    Austin-Healey is not prepared to take the up to more than double output
    current of an alternator. The cables can get hot, can melt and get
    brittle inside the wiring loom. Same can happen when switched from
    ordinary headlights to H4 halogen headlights. The feeding cables are
    too thin for the current flowing through.
    Josef Eckert
    Betreff: Re: [Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator.
    Datum: 2016-12-24T14:01:08+0100
    Von: "Oudesluys" <coudesluijs at chello.nl> <mailto:coudesluijs at chello.nl>
    An: "healeys at autox.team.net" <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net> 
    <healeys at autox.team.net> <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net>
    The main reason for changing to an alternator is that it produces a
    high(ish) charging current starting at low speeds, usually around 35A
    (e.g. Lucas 100). Therefore the total output is higher. Especially if
    you drive the car with headlights on all the time and/or have an
    electric radiator fan, high power radio etc. you are better of with an
    alternator. It also is easier to maintain thus more reliable than a
    generator plus regulator.
    Most generators produce 20-25A max. at high speed but will barely cope
    as they do not charge much if at all at low speeds.
    Kees Oudesluijs

    Op 24-12-2016 om 4:01 schreef Bob Spidell:

        My knowledge of electronics is limited, but I do know the basics. 
        I can't think of any reason you couldn't fasten a coil to an
        alternator, except maybe their shape isn't as convenient for such
        use.  Alternators are generators--my 2008 Mustang's shop manual
        even calls them that--the only difference is how the unit converts
        alternating current to direct current, which is needed for charging
        the battery and for most other electrical needs in a car. 
        Generators physically 'commute'--the more contemporary term is
        'rectify'--the AC with brushes and the segmented commutator--hence
        the name--while alternators commute the AC with diodes.  If
        anything, alternators produce less electromagnetic
        interference--EFI--than generators since there is less chance of
        creating a spark.  Alternators are more efficient--correct me if
        I'm wrong here--because without brushes they can be spun faster for
        a given engine speed (note alternator pulleys are usually smaller
        than generator pulleys).
        I do think a coil mounted on an alternator would look silly, but
        that's just me.
        From: "Simon Lachlan" <simon.lachlan at homecall.co.uk>
        <mailto:simon.lachlan at homecall.co.uk>
        To: josef-eckert at t-online.de <mailto:josef-eckert at t-online.de> ,
        "Forum' 'Healeys" <Healeys at autox.team.net>
        <mailto:Healeys at autox.team.net>
        Sent: Friday, December 23, 2016 1:35:38 PM
        Subject: Re: [Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator.

        Thank you for this. As ever, all advice  sought is welcome.
        However....per my comment to your answer to my (previous) BJ8
        questions, it would be really helpful if you applied your huge
        enthusiasm and knowledge to the question asked. I’m sure that your
        knowledge is encyclopaedic, but maybe, when you’re asked a simple
        question by a simple person, for once give a simple answer.



        From: josef-eckert at t-online.de <mailto:josef-eckert at t-online.de> [
        mailto:josef-eckert at t-online.de <mailto:josef-eckert at t-online.de> 
        Sent: 23 December 2016 21:07
        To: Simon Lachlan; Healeys, Forum
        Subject: AW: [Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator.


        People who swap a generator for an alternator like to modify in any
        way. Anybody who knows more about electrics know there is no need
        for an alternator at all on Healeys. its only to adjust the
        rehulator to work as it should.  But that´s to difficult for most I
        those selling these alternators are quite happy to sell them as
        people like to modify and they also sell you one of these
        performance coils and they need to be kept cool and best is to put
        the coil in the boot to keep it cool. Haven´t seen that so far but
        can´t await to see it.
        Josef Eckert
        Betreff: [Healeys] Mount a coil on an alternator.
        Datum: 2016-12-23T21:57:44+0100
        Von: "Simon Lachlan" <simon.lachlan at homecall.co.uk
        <mailto:simon.lachlan at homecall.co.uk> >
        An: "'Healey Group'" <healeys at autox.team.net
        <mailto:healeys at autox.team.net> >

        I’ve had an alternator in my BT7 for a while now.

        So, when I was doing the job, I looked at pictures of other
        people’s installations. Nobody’s coil was mounted on the alternator
        as coils were/are mounted on the generators.

        I didn’t mount mine on the alternator either.

        Now, I’m wondering why everybody found ingenious places to put the
        coils and nobody ingeniously adapted their brackets to fit onto
        their alternator.

        Do alternators get too hot? Do they give off some kind of magic
        death ray that fries coils or what??

        Any reasons not to do it??




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