[Healeys] Fwd: Fuel from the manifold drip tubes

Michael Oritt michael.oritt at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 22:26:44 MST 2015


The level of the jet bridge at the base of the carb is lower than the top
of the float and the fuel will seep out of the jet, around the needle, down
into the manifold and out the tubes way before it will actually fill the
float bowl.

Best--Michael Oritt

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 11:20 PM, Elton Schulz <eschulz at frontiernet.net>

> The fuel is definitely dripping from the manifold drip tubes, not the
> float chamber tubes. If as Alan suggested that the float jets may be dirty
> or worn or the float level set incorrectly or Larry's suggestion of floats
> sinking, wouldn't the fuel be dripping out of the float chamber overflow
> pipes instead?
> Thanks,
> Elton
> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Healeys] Fuel from the
> manifold drip tubes Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 23:39:59 -0500 From: Elton
> Schulz <eschulz at frontiernet.net> <eschulz at frontiernet.net> To: Healey
> List <healeys at autox.team.net> <healeys at autox.team.net>
> Fellow Listers,
> I'm getting a small amount of fuel dripping out from the intake manifold
> drip pipes from my BJ7 when idling. What causes that? The engine is
> running well and it doesn't appear to be on the rich side.
> Thanks,
> Elton
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