[Healeys] Help adjusting the handbrake on my Austin Healey 3000 BT7

Michael michael.salter at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 10:26:49 MST 2015

-----Original Message-----
From: "philip fish" <philipfish at waitrose.com>
Sent: ‎4/‎11/‎2015 12:23 p.m.
To: "healeys at autox.team.net" <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Help adjusting the handbrake on my Austin Healey 3000 BT7

Hi all,
I had a frustrating couple of hours trying to adjust the handbrake on my BT7 at the weekend. At the moment the handbrake pulls up to near the top of the ratchets before engaging. As the rear disk brakes seem properly adjusted I tried to take up the slack at the fork located at the rear of the handbrake cable, above the rear axle. A straightforward job I thought following Norman Nock's "handbrake" notes (downloaded from the web via British Car Specialists), but not for me. 

With the handbrake fully-off removing the clevis pin from the fork was fine. I then turned the fork in several turns inwards and tried to reconnect the clevis pin but could not line up the hole in the fork with the hole in the balance lever. I could not do this on my own as there was too much tension in the link rods. Got my son to help, but still couldn't get the clevis in. I then removed the return springs thinking this would make it easier, but I still could get the holes to line. Only by adjusting the fork back outwards beyond the starting position could I get the pin back in. The result being that I now have more travel on the hand brake than when I started.

Is there a better method that I am using?
All so what is the best method to try a re-fit the springs? I tried using needle-nose pliers to stretch the spring but it took forever to get the hook end of the spring back in to the little hole on the link rod.

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