[Healeys] Aluminum Radiator

Michael michael.salter at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 07:10:41 MDT 2014

My experience with aluminium radiators has not been good with two failing, one
through cracking in the core and the second as a result of corrosion after 4
years of summer use.
Just sayin'.
Michael S
BN1 #174

-----Original Message-----
From: "Steven Kingsbury" <airtightproductions at icloud.com>
Sent: b10/b14/b2014 11:03 AM
To: "healeys at autox.team.net" <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Aluminum Radiator

On Wednesday, October 1st I installed an all aluminum radiator in my BN1 100.
Saturday, October 4th I went on a 200 mile plus journey from the valley floor
northern California up to 8500 feet elevation at the summit of Mount
Lassen and then back into the valley. The temperature in the valley
was about 95 degrees F and going up in to the mountains, I got stuck
behind a motor home and on a very twisty, steep, hot and slow road,
that's where I got my hottest, a little under 200 degrees! The rest of
the trip I ranged from 150 degrees to 190! I'm not even going to count
the 120 I got coming down out of the mountains!
All in all, it's the best thing I've ever done for my car. The
radiator was made by Wizardo;? out of New York, I got it off of eBay and
them sending me the wrong radiator to begin with, (which they did
straighten out), I would highly recommend their work and product. NFI,
just happy with what it's done to my car. Didn't have to change a
thing in the car and it bolted right in! Sweet!
Steven Kingsbury
BN1 #598
Suggested annual donation  $12.75
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