[Healeys] Interior Fits

Tom Felts tomfelts at windstream.net
Tue Mar 18 09:58:01 MDT 2014

I bought mine years ago and it was already cut with all the nice edges.  I thought it would fit---------wrong--------there were gaps---and, this was a costly set.  

---- BJ8Healeys <sbyers at ec.rr.com> wrote: 

I found when fitting my carpet that it helped first to make a template.  I
taped together sheets of paper to follow the outlines of the bare floors,
for example, filling in the center with other sheets so that a solid
template resulted, and then transferred the template outline with chalk to
the new carpet (turn the carpet over and reverse the template to chalk the
outline on the back of the carpet in reverse.  From there, it was easy to
trim the carpet one time and be sure it would fit tightly and neatly.  I did
this for all of the pieces of the carpet, including those that glue to the
firewall and footwells.

Steve Byers
BJ8 Registry
AHCA Delegate at Large
Havelock, NC  USA

> Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 16:59:24 -0700
> To: jcavenaugh at earthlink.net
> From: jmsdarch at sbcglobal.net
> CC: healeys at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Interior Fits
> I put the jute in a box and used Dynaliner. I am very happy with it.
> John
> At 04:52 PM 3/17/2014 -0700, James Cavenaugh wrote:
> >Dear List,
> >During restoration (aka hand-building) our BJ8 webve sleuthed our way 
> >through all things mechanical, electrical and impossible ~some timely 
> >solutions via shares on this list (thank you) so shouldnbt be a 
> >surprise
> >have as much trouble with the interiorb& but it isb& @#*b K*B4!?!
> >Too many questions outperform answers, such as- How to adhere wool 
> >carpets to dynamat-like insulation {Peel & Seal}? Can
> >allow for shrinkage when the carpets (inevitably) get wet? Edge 
> >binding or not? Proper use of jute underlay: Heritage included 12 
> >pre-cuts without,
> >now tell us, a chart of where they go. [?!] (Heritage ~and I~ could 
> >use a video like the one Moss produced.)
> >
> >Have OE standards been established for interiors on late model Healeybs?
> >Anything on line?  This isnbt concourse intended but webd sure like 
> >to measure twice and cut once.
> >-Jamie
> >BJ8
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