[Healeys] fuel pump filter

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Mon Mar 17 07:00:32 MDT 2014

FWIW, I have no filter--besides the thimble-shaped screens in the carbs--in my  BJ8 and have run over 100K miles with no 
issues attributable to a lack of filter.  Make sure your fuel system--esp. the tank--is clean and rust/crud-free (use a 
good sealer if you're so inclined).  If you have a lot of crud in your fuel system the filter will eventually plug and 
you'll have problems anyway.

My theory--and it's only that--is that the passageways in an SU fuel/carb system are so (relatively) large that anything 
small enough to pass through the screens in the carbs and fuel pump will not cause a problem (not the case with a 
modern, fuel-injected car).   I guess one of the transparent, plastic filters would allow you to see if crud was coming 

I opened a fuel filter from my Ranger with 100K miles on it and except for a few small black flakes--which I attributed 
as shed from the black plastic tank--the filter material was clean.


On 3/17/2014 5:29 AM, JOHN BAHE SR wrote:
> Should a fuel filter be installed before the fuel pump of after;  It would
> seem that installing before the pump would help protect the pump as well as
> the rest of the system.  I would appreciate some thoughts on the subject as
> my 1966 BJ8 has no filter installed at this time.  Thanks for any advice!!
> John
> johnbahesr at gmail.com

Bob Spidell           San Jose, CA            bspidell at comcast.net


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