[Healeys] seals

Andy Thorp bce257 at yahoo.co.nz
Mon Dec 15 22:51:15 MST 2014

Smallblock Chevy ones work just right on the six cylinder engine, although
they are the more modern viton ones that grip on top of the guide. You have to
turn a small amount of the guide down with a special tool, then they push on.

The two problems with fitting proper guide seals to the AH engine are the lack
of space inside the inner valve spring and the lack of clearance between the
underside of the valve cap-top of the guide at full lift, hence the need to
shorten the guide a bit for clearance when fitting SBC seals. This is the tool
I use to fit them http://www.cylinderheadsupply.com/kl1439.html

I have never seen umbrella seals for a Healey, the only ones that I know of
would not fit inside the inner spring.


On Tue, 16/12/14, healeymanjim at hansencc.net <healeymanjim at hansencc.net>

 Subject: [Healeys] seals
 To: "healeys at autox.team.net" <healeys at autox.team.net>
 Received: Tuesday, 16 December, 2014, 6:05 PM

 need some info.  who make
 umbrella seals that will work on ah valves?  checked on
 line but cannot find set that will work on healey.

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