[Healeys] Healey sighting 3KBN7 in LA

Tadeusz Malkiewicz Tadeusz.Malkiewicz at plusnet.pl
Mon May 6 13:40:36 MDT 2013



I am very happy it's on a good track. 


Although I am fairly remote, I am glad I could help. J




From: michael.salter at gmail.com [mailto:michael.salter at gmail.com] On Behalf
Of Michael Salter
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 9:14 PM
To: Tadeusz Malkiewicz; Ed Kaler
Cc: healeys at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Healey sighting 3KBN7 in LA


Just to clear up some outstanding business. 
After being contacted by Tadeusz and Ed, Mike Lempert has contacted me to
apologize for overlooking my 100St wheel and to assure me that a replacement
is now under construction.

It is possible that the oversight was a function of poor communication on my
part and I am pleased to report that my faith in the integrity of the
members of this list has been completely restored.

Michael S

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