[Healeys] Hill Climb Crash

editorgary at aol.com editorgary at aol.com
Sat Mar 30 12:23:58 MDT 2013

Re the turn indicator, clearly the indicator was poorly installed and the top
tube connected to the indicator is spinning within the lower tube, with the
detent screwed up. Likely the indicator was installed without allowing
adequate clearance to the poorly chosen after-market steering wheel.

Really a poor performance on the part of the driver, I'm afraid. Judging from
the quick dance on the steering wheel the car must have hit a slick spot, but
before that the driver's hands are all over the steering wheel, so I'm afraid
he just didn't have sufficient training in how to drive properly. If he had
spent as much on driving lessons as he spent on the largely unnecessary
driving suit he might have been able to anticipate, or at least save, this
skid. He's just fortunate that he wasn't going fast enough to go up that
embankment and flip the car. It does look as if it is largely repairable.


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