[Healeys] Antifreeze

Oudesluys coudesluijs at chello.nl
Wed Jun 12 18:27:09 MDT 2013


I am talking about coolant, not antifreeze. Antifreeze is not the same 
as coolant. Coolant contains antifreeze but also a host of other 
chemicals with certain properties, stabilizers, pump lubrication, 
corrosion inhibitors etc. It is a whole package.
In warm countries it is obvious hat the antifreeze properties of the 
coolant do not bear much significance.
If you have problems with cooling an engine water wetter may sound like 
a good idea, but it is not. It may make a horrible mess inside. I have 
seen it react inside an (aluminium) engine that had not been running for 
about a year. It had formed some kind of  gel which was nigh impossible 
to remove


Op 13-6-2013 0:10, Chris Dimmock schreef:
> Kees,
> Can you explain to me, in Sydney Australia, where the lowest ever recorded temperature was 2.1 degrees Celcius, (35.8F) back in 1932, and the highest ever recorded temperature was 45.8 degrees Celcius (114.4F), in January this year, why I should use antifreeze in my Healey???
> I just use tap water and waterwetter. I use waterwetter mostly because of its anti corrosion properties.
> I could use any number of products to add to water to lubricate the water pump, and prevent corrosion, but as I've been using waterwetter for 15 years, and the car has never overheated, I can't see a reason to change. BTW, it's never frozen either...
> Is there some reason I'm missing as to the benefits of adding ethlene glycol - a very inefficient coolant compared to water - designed as an antifreeze - to my Healey??
> Chris
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 13/06/2013, at 4:19 AM, Oudesluys <coudesluijs at chello.nl> wrote:
>> Hear, hear!!
>> If proper coolant cannot do the job there is something amiss and remedial action is required.
>> Forget water wetter, it is rubbish, waterless coolant, idem,  and the likes. Use coolant with organic anti-corrosion dopes, the green stuff.
>> Kees Oudesluijs
>> NL
>> Op 12-6-2013 20:07, Derek Job schreef:
>>> I can't really see the point of water wetter. All it will do is temporarily
>>> mask underlying problems that you would otherwise become aware of.
>>> Derek
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