[Healeys] Engine Bearings

Oudesluys coudesluijs at chello.nl
Tue Jan 15 23:00:09 MST 2013

Often ebay can be a good source:
Kees Oudesluijs

Op 16-1-2013 5:21, josef-eckert at t-online.de schreef:
> For my 3000 MK2 engine I need new engine bearings, main and big ends,
> both +10" oversize. There was no chance to get any Vandervell,
> Glazier, AE, or similar known quality bearings. It seems only
> available are County/KIng bearing shells. Those who did an engine
> overhaul recently, what kind of bearings have you used?
> 	Thanks,
> 	Josef Eckert
> 	Konigswinter/Germany
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Kees Oudesluijs
Dorpsstraat 183
2995XG Heerjansdam
T: 078-677 1233
E: coudesluijs at chello.nl

Technische commissie Jensen Healey en GT
Het Jensen Genootschap Holland

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