[Healeys] Brake master cylinder repair kit

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Sun Oct 21 08:23:44 MDT 2012

A shop that rebuilt a serve MC for me--I believe they used a stainless sleeve--left a very fine hone pattern on the sleeve bore. Their argument/logic was basically the same as for leaving a hone on engine cylinders: with a perfectly smooth cylinder wall the seal scrapes all fluid off the wall, leaving none for lubrication; whereas a fine-honed surface allows a bit of fluid to lubricate the edge of the seal. 

Makes sense to me, but some things that make sense to me may not not be correct. 


Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA 

----- Original Message -----


Kees is correct that it must be perfectly smooth and a cylinder that old 
probably isn't. 

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