[Healeys] Engine block hole

healeyguy at aol.com healeyguy at aol.com
Thu Oct 18 16:02:14 MDT 2012

The hole in question is connected to the oil gallery. It is plugged with a 7/8
inch across flats bolt with a copper washer. This hole is at the same
elevation as the fitting that feeds the oil pressure gauge just further
towards the front. The earlier blocks were not drilled and tapped in this
location even though there is a flat on the block casting. I'm not aware what
other Austin (BMC) vehicles used the BJ8 (29K) block.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Hutchings <s.hutchings at rogers.com>
To: Jack Feldman <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wed, Oct 17, 2012 9:18 pm
Subject: [Healeys] Engine block hole

On the exhaust side of the block, very near where the down pipes join
he manifold, there what I believe to be a 9/16" tapped hole. Should
here be a short bolt in here? I can't detemine what purpose this
erves...is it something that was employed on another model?
tephen, BJ8

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