[Healeys] Archives

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Thu Mar 8 02:45:10 MST 2012

Peter & Veronica wrote:
> G'day all
> Is there a problem with archives at the moment? Don't seem to be able to
> raise them
I'd like to say check the archives for the various messages regarding
Team.Net issues I've sent out recently, but ....

Yes, they are unavailable at the moment.  All you get is the portion
that contains the Google adverts - real useful.  A few folks do click
on them, giving Team.Net a penny or two.  Actually once there was some
ad that put $1.50 in the Team.Net maintenance fund every click, all three
of them.  If only I knew which one it was and could have gotten a few
thousand of you to check it out!

Anyway I knew that changing the server hardware, updating the operating
system, new versions of pretty much everything involved would cause some
grief, I was just hoping it wouldn't take long to deal with it.  Things went
fairly smoothly on the little test server I tried out.  Sigh.

So stay tuned, please bear with me, I *will* get it all back on the air as
soon as possible.


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