[Healeys] 2.3/16 wrench

john spaur jmsdarch at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 3 14:31:54 MST 2012

There is someone that sells one made from square tubing with a socket 
welded to it. It is boxed shaped so it only rests on four of the nut 
flats. It works but is not the best fit. I tried to access the 
archives to see if I could find an email from the person that I 
bought mine from but the server appears to be down.

Remember that the nuts are left and right handed.


At 09:48 PM 3/3/2012 +0100, you wrote:
>I am trying to dismantle the rear axle of my BN6. So I need
>some wrench of size 2 3/16" (about 55.5 mm). I think this
>really is the right size of the large nut in the center of
>the break housing. It has to be 8-point.
>Can someone help my in finding such a wrench? I already
>searched in online shops for workshop equipment but I did
>only find 12-point wrenches which shouldn't fit.
>Perhaps there also is an alternative tool to undo the nut.
>Eberhard Pietzsch
>Tuebingen, Germany
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