[Healeys] Is it for real?

Roland Wilhelmy rwil at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 13 21:06:36 MDT 2012

It seemed too good to be true, but I ordered one.  It was exactly as
described and brand new beautiful, so I ordered another one.  Now I
have a full replacement set in case my rebuilt originals die on me.
Two for less than  half the price of one -- hard to beat..   I guess
he is tired of selling them by onesies and twosies.  Too bad for us
ordinary mortals who only need one or two.

BN1 #724

On Fri, 13 Jul 2012 14:41:56 -0700, you wrote:

::I was checking eBay today and discovered item # 370630339819. Now I know
::that some of these relays are worth a few bucks but this is certainly over
::the top.
::I just checked my parts boxes and I think I am now a millionaire.
::Brian Drab

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