[Healeys] ride height

Michael Salter michaelsalter at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 17:27:37 MDT 2012

Hi Gary,
If the measurements provided were made on a truly accurate flat surface the
problem is not entirely with the rear springs as the left rear corner is
If a car is straight when one corner is low the opposite corner is usually
On that car I would start by swapping the rear springs side to side to see
what the result is but with the left rear being 0.75" below the left front
when the right side is level something is kittywampus.
Michael Salter

                         *I have BJ8 water pump kits!!*

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 7:00 PM, <warthodson at aol.com> wrote:

> A friend with a late BJ8 is concerned that his car is riding low in the
> rear.Following are his measurements.
> Left front/right front  left rear/right rear
>     27.5   / 27.75       26.75   /   27.75
> Measured from the ground to the top of the wheel well opening. The car has
> been recently fully restored, but I do not know if he used new or old
> springs.
> What do you think of these measurements?
> Is there an O.E. specification for this?
> Gary Hodson
Michael Salter

                         *I have BJ8 water pump kits!!*

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