[Healeys] Multiplicity of Healey Clubs

R. Cobb rcobb at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 22 14:59:34 MST 2011

When I read this post I was reminded of the term, balkanized: to divide 
(groups, areas, etc.) into contending and usually ineffectual factions 
(from Dictionary.com).

It seems to me that the more, independent, full-scale club operations 
there are (I'm not speaking of local chapters), the less effective and 
wasteful of efforts and resources the sum total is.  To illustrate, to 
the absurd, if competition within the hobby is so desirable and 
positive, why not have actual Austin-Healey clubs for each and every 
state, and province, within each country, with each operating 
independently and producing a slick monthly periodical. That would 
certainly fit the "more is better" model suggested by the poster, but 
would likely be proven less than useful, overall.  Certainly, if nothing 
else, economies of scale should come to play somewhere in an analysis of 
club structures.

Not having been involved in the politics of the various clubs, viewing 
it from a fairly neutral perspective (I believe), it might make more 
sense to have a single umbrella organization, with regional sub-groups, 
that don't duplicate, but support, each others efforts.  Of course, if 
egos are involved, and I suppose they are, since we are all human, no 
one is likely to give up the sovereignty of their own organization.  
While I laud the individual efforts of all those who have built sweat 
equity in each of the Austin-Healey clubs, I think that some of the 
leadership may view their particular fiefdoms as indispensable entities.

So, until the cost of maintaining the existing organizational structures 
becomes obviously so much greater than the cost of changing, such as 
with some sort of unification, there may be little evolution to be expected.


> Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 16:33:27 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Bob Spidell<bspidell at comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Just one club? In this Country?
> To: Ray Donovan<ahstc at live.com>
> Cc:editorgary at aol.com,healeys at autox.team.net
> Message-ID:
> 	<2105733586.2528040.1300811607931.JavaMail.root at sz0054a.emeryville.ca.mail.comcast.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Seems to me, the more clubs the better; just shows how much passion--as evidenced by the contention--there is for these great cars. One club would be like 'one-party' rule in a country, no?
> Ain't no law says you can't join more than one, is there?
> Bob

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