[Healeys] First start
Austin Healey
pajtamuvek at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 14:56:32 MDT 2011
Hi Alan,
Thanks! The exhaust is clean. Also checked the plugs, they are clean and not
dark. The engines does not hesitates on acceleration, but has some roughness
below 2.5 if the throttle is held in position going on flat ground. Especial
can feel it is decelerating. Not that bad, but still present. The carb is
very sensitive on the mixture adjustment. As small as 1/4 turn can make
difference in reading and feel. Not something I am used to on mini engines.
I have bought a set of different advance springs. Though the advance is
working (each), I will experiment with the different springs tomorow.
2011/6/29 Alan Seigrist <healey.nut at gmail.com>
> Gergo -
> The trick is the exhaust should not have a "smell" and should not show
> smoke. If it smells rich or shows smoke, the mixture is off. Check
> timing and make sure advance weights are operating and vacuum advance
> lines are hooked up and operating.
> Let is know how it is going.
> Alan
> On 6/29/11, Austin Healey <pajtamuvek at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks everybody for the knd words!
> > I did my first Healey-miles today. Tha car is running well soo far. A
> little
> > oil from the valve cover gasket and the oil filter case, but no horror.
> > After a few joyfull miles came the rain and stopped the fun. Such is
> life.
> > I have some questions though. When shall I retorque the head?
> > I have started to adjust the carbs with a WBO. Starange, but the car is
> not
> > realy willing to run on afr 1.47. For proper smooth running it needs
> > slightly rich mixture of about afr 12.5-13.5. Is it normal? If I weaken
> the
> > mixture it begings to run rough. I measure the afr at each downpipe just
> > below the manifold. The timing has little impact on it.
> >
> > Gergo
> >
> > PS: Healey forever.
> >
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
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