[Healeys] Horns

J. Scott Morris jstmorris at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 28 13:26:16 MDT 2011

Hello Paul.  Here is the Lucas workshop instructions for the 9H horn that may
help although your direct question does not seem to be answered.  :-(
--Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada         - Keep Smiling, :-) Murphy

--- On Tue, 6/28/11, PG <britishcars at shaw.ca> wrote:<< I have a pair of Lucas
9H horns that are not functioning..they are found in later model British Cars
(>BJ7).  Horns are driven by points and I want to take them apart to clean
them. The later horns are riveted together (versus screwed as are earlier
Healey horns).  I understand how to get the rivets out (drilling them) but not
sure what to replace them with.  Pop rivets won't look correct..anybody have a
suggestion?  Thanks,   Paul >>

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