[Healeys] Vredestein Sprint Classic - AH tire choice

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Sun Feb 20 10:00:52 MST 2011

<< I posted an item earlier today at
http://tinyurl.com/healeyforum >>

And I just took a look, Alan.

Whilst I agree with the supposition that the XAS is closest to the
590 Road Speed in "picture height" that is where the "correctness"
ends !!

It appears to me that NONE to the tyres are MOUNTED not are
they being subjected to a picture with "kerb weight applied"
therefore the Longstone picture lies <G> <F> !!!

It is a comparison case of "apples to grapefruits" !!

A good number of years ago and by pure dumb luck, I happened to
be at my Tyre Suppliers store and prior to my and another LBC
wrench then the Dunlop AND Michelin Reps came calling with the
Dunlap chap carrying a brand new tyre which we learned was a SP-3, 
predecessor to the SP-20 [ I can't recall the correct NUMBER and I
have been trying to very hard & I can't get to "Hortense" to look].

He had pictures and drawings comparing it to a RS, Michelin & a
Pirelli.  All boiled down to the new tyre being the exact same
"contact patch" as the RS !!  The very sheepish Michelin Rep DID
admit his counterpart was correct and not even fibbing <G> <G> !!!!

Everything else about the two [2] was different !!!!!  ALL of his
pics & drawings were of both tyres; mounted/unmounted &
laden/unladen.  It was not only a real eye-opener, but a "showing"
worth of a billion dollar sale and not a local-to-local one <G> !!!!

Tom the Tyre guy and me made a deal and he sold sets of 4 & 5
like pop-corn for the next couple weeks <VBG> !!!!

'63 BJ-7 [Hortense THE Healey wearing STD. plates  AH BJ 7]
Proprietor, " Just Brits "
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