[Healeys] John Nikas Update

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Thu Aug 18 07:31:23 MDT 2011

<< He lost a rod bearing on the TX. OK >>

Dave, have him just start adding STP !!  I drove a Frogeye
from a little less than 1/2 way to Road America once using the stuff.  
We [girl friend<G>] figured we would be able to beg on
to a trailer and just drive the trailered car home.

Could NOT come up with anything/anybody ! !

So fire her up and started out on about a 250 mile drive.  We
stopped every 25 - 50 miles and let thing cool down.  Used a bunch of 
STP, little bit of 50%/50%   H20/anti-freeze [what
we had handy] and had a bunch of short naps <G> !!  
But we did make it ! ! !

Now I will admit, oil pan drained for well over one (1) HOUR<G?!!
Crank was -10 when I took it apart and only need to go another
19 <G> !!


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