[Healeys] Fw: volt drop

John Harper ah at jharper.demon.co.uk
Tue Aug 9 10:41:43 MDT 2011


>I'm sorry but these specifications make no sense, and are not supported
>by any literature I have read in the automotive field over the last 40+

These figures are taken from Lucas Workshop Instruction manual. Starting
Motor Section B-6 Page 2 Issue 3 June 1962.

However before taking this further I have checked again and realise that
the figures I recorded previously relate to a Pre-engaged M45G Starter.
What I should have done is to have used Section B-2 page 2, M45G
inertia-engaged Starting Motor, in the same Instruction manual. The
torque and current figues are a liittle lower but this does not
significantly change my argument.

>Torque at 1,000 RPM? Starters turn the engine at 200-300 RPM period. 
>Don't believe me? go out to your Healey, crank it and look at the tach.  It
>is not showing 1,000 RPM  15.5 foot lbs of torque from the starter?  I have
>no clue what this is supposed to be or how you are going to verify it.  Talk
>about a useless number.

Yes engines turn around the speed you say but we are talking about the
starter not the engine. The ratio is around 1:10 so turning the engine
at something like 100 r.p.m. seems to be a good test!

>570Amp draw on the starter as normal?  No way, no how.  Normal amp
>draw on a gas engine starter is in the 100-150 amp range.  I would expect
>a Healey to draw in the neighborhood of 125 amps or so. 

It is by no means a useless number because it is the pass test for a
good starter when tested on special Lucas specified rig before it leaves
the workshop.

Some of the figures relate to a starter held stalled. As you say not in
anyway normal but part of the workshop test. I suspect that this test
only lasted long enough to take the measurements.

The workshop tests use a very heavy battery as I have said. I have not
tried to compare this with a typical A-H battery.

What I was trying to show was that high voltage drops are likely in any
starter arrangement.

However what nobody seems to have established is what the initial 2V
drop related to. Was it the 'droop' at the battery terminals or was it a
measurement between the battery terminal and the starter terminal or
even a measurement somehow taking into consideration the return path
between the starter case and the battery grounded terminal.


John Harper

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