[Healeys] Do Moss ign points suck or what?

Oudesluys coudesluijs at chello.nl
Thu Apr 7 11:00:34 MDT 2011

I have noticed for a long time that failing electronic ignition of the 
Pertronics or Lumenition Magtronic type is usually due to a wrong 
impedance of the coil. In most cases this should be around 3 Ohms, while 
often about 1,5 Ohm is used causing a burned out ignition. Especially 
when a ballast resistor (not in big Healeys I believe) is used as many 
connect up the electronic ignition directly on the coil, bypassing the 
ballast resistor.
If you are afraid for a failure of the electronic ignition, carry a 
spare set of points and condenser  as you would do if you have points 
fitted. It would nearly take the same amount of effort to fit these when 
needed, plus some time for setting the timing.
The beauty of electronic ignition is that you do not have to maintain it 
once set apart from the occasional drop of oil on the balance weights 
pivots and the distributor shaft (as with points). The timing will stay 
correct at all times during the life of the distributor, not so with points.
Kees Oudesluijs

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