[Healeys] Coolant Mixture

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Sat Oct 23 09:52:28 MDT 2010

re: "What success have listers had using the product."

Negligible (and probably mostly due to placebo effect, but I use it anyway).

re: "Should I consider distilled water and the product only?"

This is a religious topic that was thrashed recently (check the archives).  If your tap water is not terribly hard it's 
probably OK to use it, but a lot of automotive pundits--and some owners' manuals--recommend distilled.  I use distilled.

Water only is the most effective coolant, but you need a rust inhibitor and lubricant for the pump seal and WW provides 
that.  If I lived in the SE, I'd use a token amount of antifreeze--say, a half-gallon--distilled water and WW just for 
the heck of it.  Professor Murphy dictates that if you use water only then the next day you will get an unprecedented 
cold snap in Atlanta.


On 10/23/2010 8:05 AM, fietts02 at aol.com wrote:
> I have researched the archives and have found deep discussion on the use
> and mixture of coolant vs water vs distilled water etc. I recently purchased
> a  bottle of Wetter Water and curious as to the most effective usage of the
> product  as it relates to mixture. Should it be used with just water mixed
> with the  product? It is better used with a mixture of antifreeze, water and
> the product  and if so what ratio? Should I consider  distilled water and
> the product  only? . I would assume climate plays a big part and I live in the
> southeast  where we rarely get below freezing but it does occasionally
> happen but not  often.
> What success have listers had using the product.
> Ken
> _______________________________________________

Bob Spidell           San Jose, CA            bspidell at comcast.net


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