[Healeys] Healey Marque May edition
Ed Townley
healeymnster at gmail.com
Tue May 18 18:39:00 MDT 2010
Mark: Your comments are the Bane of any volunteer's existence! As a
long-term volunteer, including past chairman of board for the local
credit union, chairman of the board of directors for the White sands
Missile range historical foundation, current "prime minister" of the
local Brit car club and organizer of the last three annual brit car
days here in southern NM, I personally cringe when I hear your type of
"Suggestion", usually beginning with a phrase such as "What YOU
(emphasis added) need to do", or "Why didn't YOU..." if I am feeling
charitable, I politely listen and thank the suggestor. If I am fed up
with Strap Hangers, I generally turn the question back to the speaker
with something like--great idea---When can I expect to see a first
draft or implementing instructions, including who, what, where, how
much and when?
in this particular instance, WHY DON'T YOU write some tech articles,
take some exciting local journeys, document them and turn them in to
Reid for publication?
Climbing down from soapbox, with hot button cooler, but still intact.
Ed Townley
Southern NM, USA
From: Mark LaPierre <lapierrem at sbcglobal.net>
To: Reid Trummel <editor at healeyclub.org>; healeys at Autox.Team.Net
Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 9:41 pm
Subject: [Healeys] Healey Marque May edition
So much for that 3 minute skim May edition.
Reid, when are you going to get the picture that most of us hourly wage
ealey Marque
ecipients can't even begin to wrap our minds around these special interest
ar articles that
ou choose to waste 10 to 15 pages a year on, in OUR magazine. Surely you
ave enough
rticles from the common readers to fill up the monthly magazines that we can
ll relate to.
Salt flats, deep pocket replicars with broken crankshafts, trips to
suppose its nice
hat a few chosen ones can afford these and have a need to do these things and
hats fine.
o for it, but why do you need to spread it across half of the magazine that
hould be for everyone. Its boring and a waste.
Lets get back to the tangible stuff like tech tips, personal restorations and
o it yourself repairs.
No, I certainly couldn't even come close to putting together a mag that is
uality of the Marque but maybe
ou should offer a special edition to those who really care about the "super
ooper salt flat mobile" and offer it
s just that , A Special Edition" offered to those that have an interest in
uch an elaborate undertaking.
I did enjoy the one page that you gave to Norm Nock. I would have liked to
ave read and seen more. What a great Healey man.
Can't wait till the June edition,
Mark LaPierre
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