[Healeys] Fwd: Sad News

Randy Hicks Healey100M at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 08:06:58 MST 2010

Maybe this hit the list and I missed it. If not......


> Most, if not all, of you are aware that Don Lenschow has, in his words,
"....hit a little speed bump....".  For those not aware, a few weeks ago, Don
was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer (non-small cell carcinoma).  The cancer
was found in several areas.  His treatment began with radiation directed to
shrink the tumor in his head.  The results were positive.  Next, he began
receiving Chemo at three-week intervals.  To date he has had two Chemo
> Last Monday, March 22nd, Don was readmitted to the hospital due to weakness
and difficulty swallowing.  The diagnosis was that one of the tumors was
pressing on his esophagus.  This tumor is now being treated daily with
radiation -- with a total of ten daily treatments projected.
> This past Friday, Joyce and I visited with Kay and Don.  Other than being
bald and in the hospital, Don seemed to be doing fine.
> Kay called this morning, saying Don's defibrilator had been activated twice
during the night.  This afternoon, Kay indicated Don's heart was beating
erratically, his blood pressure was unstable; and he had been relocated to the
Cardiac Ward.  We will be checking with Kay again tomorrow; and I will send
periodic updates as to how Don is doing.
> If you would like to send a card, or get-well wish, Don's address is:
>     Don Lenschow
>     467County Road 4593
>     Boyd, TX  76023-4401

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