[Healeys] Laughs
Robert Blair
rnbmail at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 24 09:42:10 MST 2010
John, Thumbs up for your site .....
I am not really a sounds fan, but I know how to turn my sound off.
Leave the sound effects on the site, AND, describe at the top of the home page
how to turn of the computer sounds for those that really dont like it. Its
only a few clicks.....
Democracy should win at 99 to 1 and you should be on time for dinner.
Robert N. Blair Yellow 65BJ8 rnbmail at yahoo.com
--- On Wed, 3/24/10, John Sims <ahbn6 at verizon.net> wrote:
> From: John Sims <ahbn6 at verizon.net>
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Laughs
> To: "'Guy R Day'" <grday at btinternet.com>, healeys at autox.team.net
> Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 7:02 AM
> I have a rather thin skin, obviously.
> To answer your questions, A little,
> No, Yes.
> I guess that proves the old adage that you can not please
> everyone. I spend
> at least an hour a day on this site and am still around 50
> items behind on
> links, articles, etc. that need to be posted. It costs me
> several hundred
> dollars a year in fees to my provider as I pay for more
> disk space and
> bandwidth than I really need just so that no one will be
> blocked for overuse
> and I am rather protective of it. And this all started when
> I was trying to
> be helpful on an item and my wife, again, was yelling at me
> because rather
> than running to the dinner table when called, I was editing
> another item to
> put on the site. Gotta change my priorities.
> John Sims, BN6
> Aberdeen, NJ
> http://www.healey6.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guy R Day [mailto:grday at btinternet.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:52 AM
> To: John Sims; healeys at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Laughs
> John,
> After 51, 387 persons have visited your site you have
> received 3 complaints.
> I believe that could be around 0.00006 per cent of your
> visitors who have
> expressed disquiet.
> That percentage of people who do not have the ability to
> find either the
> volume control switch on their speakers or the slider on
> the computer will
> not visit your site again. Are you really
> bothered? Should those 3
> dictate to 51,000 plus (the 99.9994 per cent) who haven't
> complained?
> If you are e-mailed another 2 times from people who are
> complaining the
> sound has gone, will it come back?
> Guy R Day
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