[Healeys] best way to tighten Knock Offs

Rich C richchrysler at quickclic.net
Tue Mar 23 09:26:10 MST 2010

I have always used the rawhide side of a Thor copper/hide hammer to tighten 
and loosen knockoffs. These do not leave a mark even on today's knockoffs. I 
go through the hide portion of a 2 lb. copper/hide hammer about every 10 
years, and this hammer gets used a lot more frequently than the average 
owner's would.

From: "Frank Edwards" <logical2 at hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:17 AM
To: <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] best way to tighten Knock Offs

> New wheels and KO's on my BJ7.
> I've seen wooden wrenches, metal wrenches and of course hammers.
> What's the best way to tighten them without marking or scratching them but
> also of course also making sure they're tight enough?
> Thanks for the help and suggestions.
> 62  BJ7
> 61  Bugeye
> 69  Midget
> Frank R. Edwards 570-784-4662 logical2 at hotmail.com
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